From Prakash Kamat in Panaji
August 30- Over to a Ganesha installation by Nirmal U Kulkarni, a herpetologist,field ecologist,conservationist, wildlife photographer and an installation artist.
This simplistic and yet artistic interpretation of Lord Ganesha from a grinding stone and his vahana with a grinding pestle is unique. It has been installed at picturesque Nerul village in North Goa, around 10 km from Panaji.
It has been created by Goa-based grinding stone installation artist Nirmal
Kulkarni on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi that is scheduled to be celebrated on September 2, 2019.
This installation is sole and instinctive in its creation and is a result of restoring a three generation old grinding stone through a renewal process that includes cleansing and polishing with natural oils, and ensuring
that the sanctity of the installation is in place.
The creation of a symbolic base of Matti, a traditional Goan wood (Termenalia tormentosa), also the State treeof Goa is also part of the installation.
This is the first time, such a simple-minded and yet deep rooted installation has been created for one of the best known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon,said Mr. Kulkarni.
Lord Ganesha is also known as the Lord of ecology.
Nirmal dwells on the name of Vighneshvara, i.e. Remover of Obstacles as a reference to this primary line of interpretation for this work. He has titled the work Namah Vighneshvara i.e. I pray to you O Remover of all Obstacles.
Affected by floods and its aftermath, Nirmal dedicates this work to the people of Goa, BBelgvi and Maharashtra, to whom Lord Ganesha is the reliever of obstacles, the patron deity and the most endearing.
“I hope Lord Ganesha helps us all, helps those who are in need, and clears the path for normalcy to be restored in the life of one and all in the affected areas,” says Nirmal.
“I hope Lord Ganesha helps us all, helps those who are in need, and clears the path for normalcy to be restored in the life of one and all in the affected areas,” says Nirmal.
A devotee of Lord Ganesha himself, Nirmal is a well known conservation an installation artist. All his works are influenced and created from stone grinding stones and wooden millstones.
Graduated from the Goa College of Art, Nirmal has exhibited images and installations based on nature and Indian culture in India and abroad. He can be
reached on 9326107079 or on